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Dr. J. S. Kulkarni
R&I Co-ordinator : Dr. J. S. Kulkarni
Contact No:9637313174
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In an increasingly technologically driven world, Research is the foundation of any
nation's economic growth. The Department of CSE (AI & ML) is also committed to long-
term basic research in frontier areas. Research and innovation are essential
components of all professions. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain,
computer vision, and other software technologies have permeated all sectors of society.
The Department of CSE (AI & ML) has worked hard to align its research and
development efforts with the goal of achieving technological self-sufficiency. Students
and faculty collaborate on research projects in science and engineering. We believe that
our students have enormous innovative potential, and we as teachers accept the
responsibility of shaping that potential through various avenues. The R&D cell is always
focused on instilling research aptitude and innovative thinking in students through
various activities.In order to keep up with expanding knowledge frontiers and global
developments, the Department of CSE (AI & ML) maintains ongoing academic and
research collaborations with many national and international universities, governments,
and industries; it is also in constant contact with national needs.